itracks Interface Updates

Update: This release has been moved to July 6.


Our development team has been hard at work improving the user interface and sign in process for researchers, participants, and observers, and starting in early June, all itracks user profiles will be updated to the new version of the platform.

While we're excited for the improvements to user experience that these changes will bring, we understand that getting used to anything new can be tricky, so we've prepared a few materials to help you.

Below you'll find a video which contains a quick walk through of what's new, along with some answers to the most common questions about the changes. If you have any additional questions, please check out the itracks Knowledge Base which has a large number of helpful articles. And as always, please feel free to contact the Help Desk.

Walkthrough Video

Click on the links below to jump to a specific part of the video. Please note, these links will take you off this page directly to the video in Youtube.

00:34 - Login Process
03:02 - New Home Page
05:58 - How to Access the Old View
06:50 - The New Dashboard
09:12 - Customizing Your Dashboard Filters
11:26 - Navigating From the Dashboard
- Adding Users
16:30 - Sending Emails (aka Where's the Broadcaster?)


Click on a question to expand and see the answer. If you don't see the question/answer you're looking for please check out the itracks Knowledge Base.

Logging In

Where's all my stuff?

Participant & Observer Experience