Discussion Boards

Capture real life actions and sentiments as they happen, and where they happen, with online discussion boards.

Responses at the Speed of Life

Online discussion boards are asynchronous, meaning that participants can log in on their own time to record their response instead of everyone logging in at the same time.

This added flexibility for respondents is more than just a convenience. It helps to capture the most accurate insights, as participants can carefully weigh responses, and be prompted to post by real-life occurrences and experiences instead of just by a calendar reminder.

Discussions can take place over a period of timing ranging from a few days to a few years – the longer discussions being classified as communities.

The itracks Board Advantage

Itracks Board takes online discussions and elevates them to another level with rich features and in-depth research capabilities, like:

  • Fully integrated mobile app, including an “offline mode,” perfect for ethnographies and collecting data “in the field”
  • Text, image, audio, unlimited-length video and polling response types
  • Uninfluenced question modes for unbiased responses
  • Instant multimedia transcripts
  • Optional private interview mode,
  • and more features built specifically for research.

Case Study

Case Study: Non-intrusive Ethnography with Kinemedica

Find the Solution that’s Right for You.

Whether you’re new to online qualitative research, or a seasoned pro, we’re excited to help you get started on your next project.