itracks Updates & Improvements – April 30, 2021

Welcome to itracks Realtime – Agile, Secure, and Infinitely Scalable

When you use itracks software, you’re using products that are developed independently and programmed in-house by dedicated members of the itracks team. This allows us to stay true to our values of continuous innovation and serving our clients, meaning that we are listening to feedback, and continually releasing updates and improvements to the software to improve user experience and better match our clients’ expectations. 

We’re proud of this, so going forward we’ll be letting you know about these updates as they come out, in terms of what noticeable improvements our users will experience.

itracks Realtime is built for growth

We have partnered with Microsoft to equip itracks’ products with the most powerful, secure, and agile cloud-based infrastructure in the industry. Our latest update introduces brand new architecture that allows itracks Realtime to be infinitely scalable. So what does this mean in terms of user experience?

  • Server capacity limits have been removed. itracks Realtime is now truly unlimited – with no restrictions on the number of concurrent activities at any given time.
  • Faster delivery of report media. No more waiting in a queue to have your videos processed – they’ll be ready to start processing as soon as your group is finished so you can start making use of those high quality single-stream videos and audio files ASAP. 
  • Security remains a top priority. itracks takes pride in offering solutions that feature encryption in transit and encryption at rest. 

 User-friendly Storage Capacity and Subscription Status Updates

You can now see your subscription status and storage capacity in your account information. This includes:

  • Subscription status & expiry date
  • Total storage capacity
  • How much storage you’re currently using.
    • This is based on the size of files currently stored in your account, and will update automatically as you add or delete files.

All of the updates listed above are currently being implemented on a per-account basis, so if you don’t see them in your account quite yet, we promise you’ll see them soon!

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