Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Research

The market research industry has a tendency to sort research into two separate buckets — it’s ether qualitative (focus groups or IDIs, small sample size, etc.) or quantitative (surveys, large sample, statistical significance). Voice of the Customer (VOC) research combines the methodologies in order to understand, in detail, the wants and needs of customers in their own language and then to quantify the importance and ability of a product or service to meet those needs. It is considered best practice in many industries across North America and around the world.

Join Derby Swanson, a market researcher with over 25 years of experience with Voice of the Customer (VOC) research for new product development. Derby will describe a current VOC inspired hybrid study for a service company. The VOC project is leveraging itracks’ software to drive both phases of the research.

The webinar includes both a case study and a primer on best practice VOC research methods.